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Protective Equipment > Headguard Avant Garde
Headguard Avant Garde

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Price: $139.00
Availability: in stock
Prod. Code: 0066

The Latest from TOP TEN! The world famous head guard in a modern,new design. This new head guard is not made of an experimental material. It is made of "Bayflex",the most durable,shock absorbent material.To keep up with modern times,TOP TEN has now developed the head guard of the future. Following are the important,comfortable improvements in the futuristic new Top Ten head guard P.P.S.:
• Guide for the security strap.
• Rounded contour around the eyes in order to further prevent eye cuts.
• 9 different openings around the head for better cooling and ventilation of the head during combat.
• A stronger ear guard than the old Olympia Model.
• Extra padding on the forehead to provide even more protection against frontal attacks.

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